A virtual LAN or VLAN is a
logical isolated network within a physical network. The idea is
to create private networks for groups of virtual machines so
they can share information between them without the risk of
exposing the privacy of their data to machines outside the same
Private VLAN IP addresses within Cloud-Bricks belong to the
10.x.x.x (IPv4) and fd00 :: (IPv6) networks.
Each vLAN automatically receives a segment of IPv4 and IPv6
addresses. Such addresses are managed by the Cloud-Bricks system
to avoid repeated assignments.
Now you should create a new virtual machine or modify an existing
one by adding an IP address of the VLAN you just created.
When two or more virtual machines belong to the same VLAN they are
able to communicate to each other via any IP protocol.
In the following example, two virtual machines belong to the same
VLAN (name "Estelar"), and it is possible to run pings between them.