Monitoring system: CACTI
uses the standard SNMP protocol to obtain resource usage information for every Virtual Machine.
All available operating systems within the platform come with a ready to use SNMP agent configured to provide statistics. The statistics server uses CACTI, an open source system for storing and graphing resource usage data for all systems within the Cloud.
CACTI provides graphs for resources such as CPU, memory,  disk space and bandwidth. However, you can install plugins to monitor other services, for more information click here. To learn more about Cacti, its use and its benefits, please consult the official documentation.

Exploring Cacti

To start using Cacti, please navigate to "Statistics>Monitoring" in the left menu.

automatically configures each virtual machine into the monitoring system.
Here you can view the statistics for CPU, memory, network, and disk.

Monitoring physical hardware

Into the monitoring system Cacti you will find a server called "CLOUD-BRICK"; it corresponds to the physical server node or "Cloud-Brick" hypervisor that actually runs the virtual machines.

Here you can monitor the usage statistics available for real (not virtual) physical resources.

Cacti and the alerts system

With CACTI you may configure thresholds to monitor the use of resources. This is useful to generate alerts at high or low levels of a particular resource. For example, you can create an alert when a virtual CPU usage exceeds 85%. An email will be sent when this happens.
CACTI uses the Thold plugin to generate these alerts. This plugin comes pre-installed with your Cloud-Bricks environment.

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