Snapshots of a virtual machine
A snapshot is a temporary copy of the data in a virtual machine (copy virtual disks). This creates a restore point that allows returning a virtual machine to a previous status.
A Snapshot can be very useful if you do an upgrade or major alteration of the operating system or applications in a virtual machine. If something goes wrong, we can return to the status when the machine was, at the time the snapshot was taken.
When the snapshot is no longer needed, it is recommended to delete as soon as possible, because its existence generates a degradation in the performance of the virtual machine.

Take a snapshot of a virtual machine

When the virtual machine is turned off, access the menu Virtual Machines, select the desired virtual machine and click on the Virtual Machine Snapshot button.

Click on the button Take snapshot now.

The snapshot creation process starts.

When the process is completed the snapshot are listed.

Restore snapshot

To restore a snapshot, click on the Restore button. In the question "DANGER: THIS WILL OVERWRITE YOUR CURRENT VM DISKS WITH THE SNAPSHOT CONTENTS. Do you really want to continue?". If you are sure to click OK. The system immediately restores the selected snapshot.

This may take a while, depending on the size of the disks. Once we completed we can start the virtual machine.

Delete a Snapshot

To delete a snapshot, click on the Delete button. On the question "Are you sure you want to delete this snapshot?" click on OK.

We recommend to use snapshots only temporarily, since its existence affects both performance and storage space)